Women supporting women is one of the most empowering acts and can achieve the greatest amount of success within multitudes of communities. The femosphere, however sees everything as an emotional battleground. I believe that this is an issue that sets the sexes apart; hence the femosphere vs. the manosphere. Women ganging up on a woman traditionally dates back to many centuries. If another woman does well, it becomes a rival female’s mission to try to punish her and knock her off her perch. The sisterhood feels threatened to the core and starts acting out in naked vengeance.
Sadly, the ugly side to the feminine psyche is not only confined to the workplace but also makes a bold appearance in other domains of life. According to John Gray the author of “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” the same communication difficulties women struggle with in their personal lives also play out in the office. I feel that this kind of behavior stems from social and psychological issues which plague women and hold them back in both their personal and professional lives. The attitude that some women have towards the altitude of the successes of other women and the fear of achieving their own success forms a strong correlation. The imposter syndrome inherently comes from within us; as women we feel that we don’t deserve to be on the runway of success and this is displayed in our behavior towards other women and their victories. This leads to women operating from a platform of fear which expands the already massive confidence gap.
Many professional women feel that they are in a catch 22 situation; they suffer a chronic and constant pull of whether to be or not to be. Speaking up during meetings, taking the initiative in the boardroom, speaking up for their rights, etc might render them as unpopular. There lies the risk of being branded as too “masculine” while the lack of action on their part might class them as less assertive and incompetent. Women have become beneficiaries of unappealing brands and labels in the office; unfortunately the female gender has also contributed to this trend. Aspects such as women at boardroom level using raging hormones to make decisions, displaying jealousy and vengeful behavior towards other females, etc does not promote women empowerment. Shying away from building strong professional relationships with men and communicating from a platform of coyness and uncertainty does not help to propagate gender equality. We seem to misunderstand important laws of the professional jungle, resulting in us handing over our feminine power. The lack of gender intelligence in the workplace definitely adds to the problem in a testosterone saturated society. So how do we move forward?
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