Home Concepts Strategy Coaching in Legal Institutions Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

27 min read

Prosperity thinking and poverty thinking are the keys to career and financial success. Prosperity thinking is a trusting attitude that things will work out. Prosperity thinking means aligning your beliefs, attitudes, expectations and goals toward realistic levels of abundance, optimism, and self-confidence. It increases financial and personal self-esteem and success. Prosperity thinking is not necessarily about being rich—it’s more about being confident, optimistic and comfortable with who we are and our ability to generate and manage money.

In contrast, poverty thinking is limited state of thinking rooted in fear and mistrust. It closes down possibilities and opportunities and frequently leaves us feeling that things will not work out. It is characterized by pessimism, over-protectiveness, fear of loss, and a more passive relationship with money. It diminishes our financial and personal self-esteem and our confidence about earning and handling money. Poverty thinking is not necessarily about being financially deprived—there are plenty of wealthy people who are miserly or worry constantly about losing their money.


The difference between successful lawyers and firms and those that are struggling may be due to business development skills. Successful legal enterprises have developed the competencies of rainmaking, marketing and client development.

The business side of being a lawyer can be exciting and fun. A well run successful practice and/or firm can provide a great deal of happiness and professional satisfaction. The following are a few tips to help you focus your efforts.

1. Create a compelling purpose, vision, and goals.
2. Craft an attention-getting marketing message.
3. Develop a dynamic website.
4. Get consistent visibility for yourself and firm.
5. Do keep-in touch marketing that shows you care.
6. Determine your ideal clients
7. Overcome disempowering beliefs about practice development.


Are you clear about what you want out of your legal career? Are you fully engaged in your work and love the practice of law or are you looking for an alternative?

There are a lot of things you can do with a legal degree. What are your talents, skill, and interests? If you are considering leaving the law you need to have an accurate diagnosis of the problem. Is it the practice of law, your area of specialty, your job, the firm you are with, financial pressures, the number of clients, or lack of work/life balance? Career coaching may help you find the best fit between your talents, skills, interests and values. Personality assessment tests and career interest inventories can help you learn about yourself and determine work where you will be happy and fulfilled.

Now, let’s take a brief self-assessment quiz. Hopefully it will give you a brief snapshot of your current level of happiness.

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