Home Concepts Strategy Coaching in Legal Institutions Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers: Creating Success and Fulfillment in Work and Life

27 min read

Happiness is an Option for Lawyers
Self-Assessment Quiz

We are all trying to be happy and achieve success in our work and personal lives. Mostly we react in a positive and productive manner. However, many attorneys are describing their lives as so busy, working so many hours, that they often feel physically and emotionally exhausted.

Happiness and success in your work and personal life requires being clear on your purpose, mission, and values. It is really self-management. The way you keep balance in your work and life is to set priorities and focus on what is truly most important.

Think about the past month. For each of the work/life pressures listed below, indicate how much each has been a source of distress for you.

Score each item according to how much of the time each statement applies to you.
The Scale: 1(never), 2(rarely), 3(sometimes), 4 (often), 5(always)

____ 1.   I feel overwhelmed by too many tasks and responsibilities-juggling

____ 2.   I am very busy and impatient.

____ 3.   I get angry on a frequent basis.

____ 4.   I work long energy-exhausting hours.

____ 5.   I find it difficult to pace myself.

____ 6.   I feel pressured by too many demands from clients.

____ 7.   I am more reactive than proactive.

____ 8.   I find it difficult to stay agile, flexible, and resilient and focus on what is

____ 9.   I feel I have lost my energy and enthusiasm for practicing law.

____ 10. I find it difficult to appreciate what I have.

____11. I feel overwhelmed by the amount of billable hours required.

____ 12. I frequently feel unappreciated.

____ 13. I can’t remember a time when I experienced “being in the flow”.

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