We offer three chapters in which various dimensions of the external context are considered—especially as they relate to Best Practices and leadership styles. In Chapter Seven we explore the type of work being done in an organization, while in Chapter Eight we look at the type of issues being confronted in the organization. Finally, in Chapter Nine, we review five other characteristics: the external environment, organizational structures and operations, organizational ownership, maturity level of the individuals and groups with which leader is working, and organizational culture. We will briefly consider each of these characteristics and suggest ways in which each of the five Best Practices and four leadership styles relates to this characteristic.
[i] Wheatley, Margaret (1999). Leadership and the New Science; Discovering Order in a Chaotic World. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, p. 68.
[ii] Wheatley describes Max DePree’s notion of “roving leadership” using similar terms: “[roving leaders] emerge from the group not by self assertion, but because they make sense, given what the group needs to thrive and what individuals need to grow.” Wheatley, Margaret (1999). Leadership and the New Science; Discovering Order in a Chaotic World. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, p. 22.
[iii] Heifetz, Ronald (1994) Leadership Without Easy Answers, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, p. 15.
[iv]Heifetz, Ronald (1994) Leadership Without Easy Answers, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,, p. 113
[v] Heifetz, Ronald (1994) Leadership Without Easy Answers, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, pp. 62-63
[vi] Page, Scott (2011) Diversity and Complexity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
[vii] Heifetz, Ronald (1994) Leadership Without Easy Answers, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, p. 107
[viii]Heifetz, Ronald (1994) Leadership Without Easy Answers, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,, p. 107.
[ix]Wheatley, Margaret (1999). Leadership and the New Science; Discovering Order in a Chaotic World. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.
[x] Melman, Seymour (2001) After Capitalism: From Managerialism to Workplace Democracy. New York: Knopf.
[xi] Taylor, James and David Felten (1993). Performance by Design: Sociotechnical Systems in North America. Englewood, Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
[xii] Jochens, Donald (1998) A Study of a Sociotechnical Systems Intervention on Productivity in the Production Operations of a Daily Newspaper Group. Dissertation Prepared at the Professional School of Psychology.
[xiii] Jochens, Donald (1998) A Study of a Sociotechnical Systems Intervention on Productivity in the Production Operations of a Daily Newspaper Group. Dissertation Prepared at the Professional School of Psychology, p. 28.
[xiv] Jochens, Donald (1998) A Study of a Sociotechnical Systems Intervention on Productivity in the Production Operations of a Daily Newspaper Group. Dissertation Prepared at the Professional School of Psychology. p. 96
[xv] Wheatley, Margaret (1999) Leadership and the New Science; Discovering Order in a Chaotic World. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, p. 65
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