Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership The Ark of Leadership: A First Sample Chapter

The Ark of Leadership: A First Sample Chapter

64 min read

While the assertive leader can burn up the resources of the organization; the inspiring leader, using Best Practice 1 can help to “husband” the existing resources of the organization–and attract new resources from outside the organization. In helping to recruit and import resources from outside the organization, Inspiring leaders serve as the strange attractors (of which chaos theorist and, more recently, organizational theorists, speak).[ix] Often with minimal effort, the inspiring leader attracts media attention and the interest of people who are only vaguely acquainted with her organization. Like many gurus (ranging from Buddha to Jesus) the inspiring leader often seems to gather people and resources around her without even trying.

Discernment and Commitment

The inspiring (blue) leader helps the organization decide which resources to use and articulates the reasons for doing so. The inspiring leader encourages an organization to look at its potential in a thoughtful and discerning manner. The inspiring leader draws attention to that which is important in the organization and away from that which is unimportant or distracting. The inspiring leader often asks simple questions as a way of drawing attention to important matters. How do we deliver help to people who really need it? What really is our business? Why are we doing this? What would our founder think about what we are doing right now? This process of discernment creates the conditions for slow thinking on the part of everyone in the organization who is engaged in problem-solving and decision-making.

The inspiring (blue) leader also helps to build community—organized around the Best Practice 1 vision and values. She is engaged with other members of the organization (and stakeholders of the organization) in defining vision, values and purpose. These Best Practice 1 endeavors help to build commitment to the organization and its mission. An inspiring leader is a person who cares about the welfare of others. This care resides at the heart of Azure Blue leadership.  She believes strongly that the ends do not always justify the means.

Focusing on the intentions of the organization, the inspiring leader constantly turns with Best Practice 1 guidance to the enduring values of the organization. While the Ruby Red Assertive leader is needed by an organization to bring about necessary change, the Azure Blue Inspiring leader is indispensable in helping to reduce anxiety and heal the wounds that are brought about by these processes of change. Furthermore, Best Practice 1 ensures that these changes relate to the organization’s mission and are aligned with its values.

Values, Relationships and the Ideal

The inspiring (blue) leader focuses on values, on relationships—and on the ideal state of the organization. Like the Ruby Red assertive leader, the Azure Blue inspiring leader often grows impatient when members of a group dwell too long on facts and figures. The inspiring leader always wants to know what the human implications are that lie behind these facts and figures and wants to know how these numbers relate to the core values and vision of the organization. The inspiring leader tends to react negatively to facts and figures because they are often used to ground the organization in so-called reality. Organizations soon lose sight of their vision when they are constantly looking down at their ledgers and policy manuals.

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