⦁ Can see self as separate from rather than subjected to group’s perception of them
⦁ Increased focus on individual differences, specialties and contribution, and desire to stand out as competent in own way
Form of thinking:
⦁ Tend toward the pragmatic and clear, concrete distinctions created by words such as ‘should,’ ‘ought to,’ ‘yes, but,’ ‘right and wrong’
⦁ Strive towards the right answer and, in that sense, tend to assign either blame or victory to one individual
What they can’t see:
⦁ Shades of gray and interdependencies that contribute to success or system failure
⦁ Inner experience and shadow
⦁ Validity of others’ points of view and feelings
⦁ Human dimension of work and importance of relationships to effectiveness
⦁ The big picture
Coaching opportunity:
Build confidence in Experts’ particular expertise and areas of specialization. Support them to elicit, receive, and implement feedback. Encourage reflection on their impact and effectiveness in addition to accuracy and correctness. Support them to recognize their own emotions and the emotions of others; emotional intelligence models and competencies are a good focus here, especially listening.
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