Carollyne: Legacy Leadership to be powerful is with educators in the educational system. So, Jeannine if you would talk a little bit about that –
Jeannine: I think your example from the kids Carollyne is one of the things that got Lee and I so excited about the broader potential of Legacy Leadership in education. About the same time we had another colleague from Kansas State University – Hays University in Kansas that was following the same pathway and she took on Legacy Leadership and built out a complete construct for educators starting with administrators, school superintendents working a way through the entire leadership of the school system for the state of Kansas. Her intent as she goes forward then is to take this on in a formal manner into the high schools on down to the grade schools.
She tells us that the administrators changed their approach to not only their day to day administration of a school system, but also their viewpoint regarding how to live their life as a leader. It also changed their viewpoint regarding how every single child in the classroom has a different gift to give from the standpoint of leadership. They are whole leaders right now rather than being students who will be leaders at some other time. The possibility has just been phenomenal. Kathy Dale has considered carrying this not only across the U.S. and Canada but perhaps internationally.
Brenda: Lee, where else has Legacy Leadership just been welcomed.
Lee: Whole communities have utilized the model as they are putting together various projects. Think about PTA organizations, even drama groups that really want to formulate a successful venue or event can use this. Just think about the five practices as you begin to start up something and you have it ongoing and then the accountabilities. Also, I’d like to mention that we have a faith-based version that we have used within churches and with pastors and their senior teams that follows the line of faith. It’s quite amazing.
Every time I hear this and we talk about it I just kind of get chills because where else do you find a model like this that just happens to apply to everything else in your life? I wish I’d had this as a young parent. I would have raised my children with this but they’re getting it now with the book. They’ll all read I’m sure and they will get what they need from it [laughs].
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