Carollyne: I think we have a minute for just final comments from our guests and from Brenda.
Lee: Oh, Carollyne that’s hard to do, final comments from any of the four of us but let’s give it a try. I think the two things that still keep resonating with me you can’t not influence. Every place I am whether I’m conscious or not, I’m being a model of something. Living within the Legacy Leadership belief system that it’s really my accountability to be intentional about how I live, how I show up, how I’m being and what I’m doing. That really is undergirded by the second one that so resonates with me. As a behavioralist I absolutely know our belief systems are demonstrated by our behavior. So, our beatitudes equal legacy behaviors.
Jeannine: I would add that I continue to be amazed at the beauty and elegance and simplicity of this model that works for all kinds of populations knowing that it’s a very powerful model, one that can transform individuals as well as organizations. Thank you so much for having us.
Thank you so much for allowing us to share with you Carollyne in this time.
Carollyne: It is indeed our pleasure.
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