Home Concepts Concepts of Leadership Legacy Leadership: The World Talk Radio Interview with Jeannine Sandstrom and Lee Smith

Legacy Leadership: The World Talk Radio Interview with Jeannine Sandstrom and Lee Smith

40 min read

Jeannine: Well Brenda, what this did for us and what Lee was describing here and for a second time in our Coach Works history we were in essence reluctant leaders which also fit who we both had been.  Never have we stepped up saying, “Look here what I can do.  Let us lead the band.”  But we seem to find gaps in something needed by clients or colleagues, organizations, individuals and we step into that gap to serve and build out what was needed.  That’s again, what took us down the pathway of building out the Legacy Leadership Model.

Brenda: Wonderful.  My, thank you both for an incredible synthesis.  Of course, if anybody could synthesize a phenomenal work it’s the person who wrote it. We’re coming to an opportunity now for you to hear some commercial space and a break from our voices.  I want to say thank you to Lee and Jeannine for bringing us the introduction to how are we in a values focused system of leadership that focuses on others rather than ourselves in an intergenerational, multigenerational impact.

I’ve often heard Jeannine say that what attracted her most to Legacy Leadership and bringing it into the world is that she is an only child with no children and this is her legacy.

Carollyne: As I was listening to Lee and Jeannine introduce themselves, I was reminded of what attracted me to this model from the beginning.  In actual fact, it was one page that they shared with us at the very first training and that page represented to me the kind of research they had done in order to develop this model.  The page did two things.  It compared the contents of this model with the key – some of the key popular leadership models out there in the world to show how comprehensive this model is on the one hand and on the other hand to demonstrate how inclusive it is because every single one of those leadership models that are out there in the world have a home within this broader and powerful framework.

I am delighted that right now we’re going to take time to dig a little more deeply into each of the five best practices.  We’ll begin with the first one and the name of that best practice is Holder of Vision and Values. It’s about direction and commitment.  We would love to hear now from Dr. Lee Smith a little more about that.  What does that best practice really mean?

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