Home Bookstore Conflict Mastery, Questions to Guide You- A Sample Chapter

Conflict Mastery, Questions to Guide You- A Sample Chapter

93 min read

• Try to imagine a specific situation in which you are tending
to pick a fight. What is compelling you to do so? What is
happening in your life that may also be contributing to
your inclination to pick a fight?
• What may compel the other person to engage in the fight
with you, if that is applicable?
• What would be a successful outcome for you if you picked
a fight?
• What if you choose to fight and you “win” according to what
you were hoping to achieve as a successful outcome—how
would that be for you? How might it be for the other person?
• In what ways might things change between you and the
other person in a positive way as a result of your picking a
fight? How might it change things in not so positive ways?
• What might be an unsuccessful outcome for you in this
situation, if you pick a fight—other than what you may
already have referred to in the previous question?
• What might picking a fight achieve that other options are
not likely to achieve? Why is that the case?
• Besides picking a fight, what other possible choice(s) might
work? What might make such a choice or choices workable?
How might such a choice or choices be workable for
the other person, too?
• What else do you need to know or learn that will influence
your choice of whether or not to pick a fight? What are the
conflict-masterful options when it comes to what you might
do other than pick a fight?
• In what ways does the idea of picking a fight become
stronger in answering the questions here? Why is that so?
How has the idea of picking a fight decreased in strength?
Why is that so?
• What else occurs to you as you consider these questions?
• What insights do you have?

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